Belisario blows save and moves to hot seat

May 25, 2014

Chicago White Sox — Ronald Belisario blew the save yesterday by allowing three runs in the 9th and now has given up at least 1 run in all three of his save chances.  Manager Robin Ventura never committed to Belisario as closer after Lindstrom’s injury and will likely consider other options after yesterday.  Daniel Webb or Jake Petricka could see the next save opportunity if Ventura wants to make a change.

Ronald Belisario to Hot Seat

Pittsburgh Pirates — We mentioned in the Vulture Save Watch yesterday that the Pirates might want to ease Jason Grilli back from his injury and that was the case yesterday as Grilli was unavailable.  Mark Melancon recorded the save, and lowered his ERA under 2 in the process.  Manager Clint Hurdle didn’t insert Grilli immediately into the closer’s role last year when he came back from injury, and even though Grilli got the save on Friday, Melancon could still see some save opportunities for the time being.

Hierarchy Remains: Grilli | Melancon | Watson

Toronto Blue JaysBrett Cecil picked up his third save of the season yesterday as closer Casey Janssen was given the day off.

Hierarchy Remains: Janssen | Cecil | Delabar

1. Adam Warren, New York Yankees – David Robertson has pitched in 2 straight and 3 of the last 4.
2. Mark Melancon, Pittsburgh Pirates – Jason Grilli is back but the Pirates could still use Melancon to close games while they ease Grilli back from his injury. 
3. Darren O’Day, Baltimore Orioles – O’Day could still get the call in the 9th inning over Britton if the match-ups are right