What is CloserMonkey.com?
CloserMonkey.com is a website, email subscription service, and Twitter account that tracks the bullpens of all 30 Major League Baseball teams. When a new closer is anointed on any given day during the MLB season, the monkey posts an immediate update to the website and sends an email and Twitter alert to all subscribers and followers.
Why? What’s the point?
CloserMonkey.com will provide you with an immediate update when a new player gets a save so you can make the corresponding pick up in your fantasy league. You’ll be way ahead of your competitors, who may not find out until hours later, when they’re sifting through box scores or watching ESPN. By then, the new closer will already be on your roster.
When do you send instant email updates?
You’ll get an email when a new closer wins the job, or when a former closer returns from the disabled list and inherits his old job back. In the latter case, we realize that the returning closer is probably already owned in most fantasy leagues, so we tag the email as a “DL activation.”
You said that Player X was the closer, but Player Y got the save last night. What gives?
The monkey scours pre-game and post-game news stories to try and stay ahead of each team’s bullpen trends, but an unannounced bullpen shuffle or injury may lead to a new closer without any prior warning. It’s also possible that Player Y is a long reliever who recorded a 3-inning save, or a set-up guy who only pitched because the closer had the night off. These scenarios do not necessitate an immediate email or tweet, though we will include this information in our daily update.
Daily update?
Each morning, the monkey posts a compilation of the most relevant bullpen information from the previous day’s games. It will include any closer changes that occurred the day before, as well as a collection of more minor bullpen-related news.
And what’s the “Vulture Save Watch”?
Often, a middle reliever picks up a save due to a team’s closer being rested or suffering a mild injury. Each morning, the monkey will provide you with a list of middle relievers who have a good chance of getting a 9th inning opportunity that day, so fantasy baseball managers in daily transaction leagues can make a one-day pick up of a middle reliever who might nab them a save.
Can I get the info every day without having to click on an email?
You sure can — we’re offering two new premium options this year! Check them out here.
The monkey is wearing an orange and blue hat. Does that mean the monkey is a Mets fan?
No. The monkey is a Knicks fan. He hates baseball, but is obsessed with closers.
The monkey is a “he”?
Of course. Stupid question.
I want a closermonkey.com t-shirt. How do I get one?
Haha just kidding. No one has ever actually asked this. But you can get one right here.